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Computer Simulations of Colloidal Systems

Stephen A. Barr (Princeton University)

Colloidal particles are important for many applications, including inks, paints, pharmaceuticals and as precursors for advanced materials. By understanding colloidal interactions better we can improve properties of these systems and find new applications. To this end I use computer simulations to study colloids in three different systems: charged colloids with multivalent counterions, colloidal particles being pushed by an advancing ice front, and surfaces with explicit ionizable sites. In systems of like-charged colloids, an effective attraction has been observed under certain conditions, which is not predicted by mean field theories. However, a new theory, called strong coupling theory, has been introduced which does predict an attraction and makes predictions about the conditions required for this to occur. I use a novel Monte Carlo method to quantitatively test these predictions. I also examine the structure of colloidal particles undergoing freeze casting. In this process, an aqueous suspension of solid particles is cast into a mold and subsequently frozen. The growing ice crystals generate ice fronts that concentrate the suspended particles in the intervening space. For this system I focus on how details of the freezing process affect the resulting solid structure. Finally, I consider ionizable surfaces. Surfaces typically become charged though a titration process where surface groups can become ionized based on their dissociation constant and the pH of the solution. In this work I use a Monte Carlo method to treat this process explicitly in a system with two planar surfaces in a salt solution. I find that the surface charge density changes as the surfaces come close to contact due to interactions between the ionizable groups on each surface. Close to contact, I also find the force between the surfaces is significantly different than for a uniformly charged system.

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